
Scottish country dancing (SCD) is the main form of Scottish social dancing. It unites the footwork of early French ballet with the figures and sociability of Gaelic, English, and French country dancing. SCD is performed in couples, most frequently in sets of four couples arranged in lines of women facing men, but also in square or other-shaped sets. Dances are either in quick time (reels and jigs) or in the statelier, idiomatically-Scottish strathspey time, and consist of dancing various patterns (“figures”) across the floor.

The Chicago Branch sponsors a weekly SCD class in the greater Chicago area. Anyone with an interest in all things Scottish and/or dancing is welcome to attend the general classes. You do not need to bring a partner and no prior dancing experience is necessary. We have created a welcome page with all the information you need to know to join us.

The Chicago Branch partners with the Madison and Milwaukee groups to sponsor a weekend workshop each year in early June. This is a fun event with a Friday night Welcome Dance, classes most of the day Saturday, a Banquet and formal Ball Saturday night followed by a ceilidh, and classes Sunday morning. Each year in January, the Branch has its New Year’s Ball  and throughout the year there are also social dances and open houses. Check the Special Events page for details of upcoming events.

Meet your Chicago Branch 2019-2020 Committee of Management

Charles Coulon, Chair

Sue McKinnell, Treasurer

Toni Robinson, Secretary

Gwen Leyffer

Mady Newfield

Barry Robinson

The Chicago Branch has a Facebook page. Check it out!

Here is a bookmark  you can print to help spread the word!

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